You can contact us with any general questions about gluten free!
For a limited time, I’m offering free mentoring sessions to those newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease, gluten-intolerance, or any other medical condition that requires a gluten-free diet. I’m not a medical professional of any kind, so I will not be offering medical advice. I’m just a fellow gluten-free human that would 1) like to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained in the 6+ years I’ve lived 100% gluten-free, and 2) understand what challenges those who are newly diagnosed are facing so I can better help others in the same situation.
If you’re interested in a free mentoring session, please use the contact form tell me about yourself (when you were diagnosed, what you were diagnosed with) and 1 or 2 points on the biggest challenges or fears you’re facing. I’ll try to get back to you ASAP, depending on availability and how many people are interested.
No strings attached! You don’t need to sign up for a mailing list (I don’t have one anyways) or donate money. It’s truly a free mentoring session free of attached strings.